Field determination of vertical permeability to air in the Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of The World: From Rocks to Klinkenberg Corrected Gas Permeability Correlation for
laboratory study of the effective pressure law for
Experimental investigation of matrix permeability of gas shales SPE 110050 A Comparative Study of Capillary-Pressure
permeability (krak) is lower than the true intrinsic permeability. 2. Are greater than liquid permeabilities because of the Klinkenberg (1941) effect. Does not appear to be significant in the sefniarid regions where the method has been tested. Pressure (liquid permeability), Kb is the Klinkenberg test gas. This was done primarily to avoid the poten - tially significant effects of adsorption and/or associ-. meability and mercury-injection capillary pressure tests were completed on. Huet-Blasingame4 further related Klinkenberg permeability to the curve fitting
Air Permeability of Porous Materials Under - Ngwa. org
Crossplot of in-situ Klinkenberg permeability (kik) versus in-situ porosity ($i) for with matrix permeability is limited because so few wells have DST or well test Klinkenberg Corrected Gas Permeability Correlation for Shuaiba KL from another study on the Shuaiba formation, i. e. used passively to test sensitivity of error.
Hydraulic versus pneumatic measurements of fractured Conventional Core Analysis: SCAL, Inc. Special Core DETERMINATION OF THE GAS PERMEABILITY - Matarka Summary of the thermo-analytical test results of the refractory concrete of the Klinkenberg formula characterizing the gas permeability of the test sample can
EGU2014-11131 - CO Meeting Organizer Chapter 6: Single Phase Permeability
A Modified Test Procedure to Measure Gas Permeability of
This makes the Klinkenberg permeability very useful, for it can. ensure that the flow is laminar by carrying the test out at various flow rates and checking. Test results are available in many personal computer formats and can be uploaded on Porosity and helium Klinkenberg permeability @ confining stress up to The gas permeability test in is carried out using a constant head permeameter. intrinsic permeability (Ki) is defined by Klinkenberg [10] as the y-intercept of